Acrobatic Gymnastics/Cheerleading Legends
"The following individuals have shown profound success in Acrobatic Gymnastics or Cheerleading and have been especially skilled in the acrobatic elements of that discipline in addition to being known in their field for their success."
2024 Eva Rucka
2023 Morgan Stanley Smith (1950-2000)
2022 Antoaneta, Kiselischka
2021 Sergii Popov & Mykola Shcherbak
2019 Dr. John D. Sweetland & Bob Monahan (deceased)
2017 Dick Criley
2017 Stacey Tutton-Hill
2016 Tammy Rivers Blalock
2016 Chuck Hardy
2015 Trio:
Cricket Borgman Lapeyre
Gina Groves VanAmburgh
Debbie Dodd Quaid
2009 Yevgeni Marchenko
2006 Svetla Krasteva
2005 Konrad Zielinski
2003 Igor Ashkinazi
2002 Jay Groves
2002 Dr. Joseph C. “Joe” Schabacker (Deceased)
2002 Christina Van Loo
2001 Paula Boelsems (Deceased)
2001 Jan Branch
2001 Sonny Brown